My name is Brooke. I grew up in Dexter, and am so excited to be injecting in my hometown. I’m a specialized aesthetic nurse, focusing on injectables for almost 3 years full-time. I use Botox and filler to counteract structural and functional changes that cause aging.

My overall goal is to safely guide women and men on a dignified journey to optimize and refine their natural beauty, ultimately increasing their self-esteem potential. My experience is focused in bringing balance to facial features without making them look puffy or overfilled. My approach is through patient education and attentive, organized care.

Over the last few years, the way I see faces has completely changed, and I’ve learned to highly value individuality. The small things that make you, you. I geek out over anti-aging. I just do. Always have. I remember being 11 years old tearing out articles about anti-aging from beauty magazines and organizing them in a 3-ring binder. It’s an obsession.

I love that my role in life is helping women keep their power, or get it back. Because we are so powerful. The idea of losing that and feeling invisible because of age…something we should be celebrating…honestly just feels unnecessary. Helping women take control of their face, their confidence, so they can feel like “themselves”, but the best version is so much fun to me.
